Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Rape Affects the Family

Women carry and expel life from their bodies. Men help to create the life, but they do not carry the life nor do they expel life from their bodies. Both men and women can give life to their ideas and bring them to life in the world.  Men desire to have control over a woman's right to carry and expel life from her body. Men barely have control over their own sexual bodies and minds, how can they expect to control a woman's body. Men can not and nor should they ever have control over any woman's body, be that sexually or reproductively.

Incest is an insidious sickness. Incest affects not only the daughter, but also, the family for a lifetime. When a daughter is raped by her father or other male family member she carries these wounds with her for the rest of her life. If she marries, she carries these wounds into her own family. When a woman is raped she too carries the wounds for the rest of her life. The rape of a woman affects not only the woman but her family, as well, for a lifetime.

The GOP states they are for the family. Yet, for decades their votes have been against the family. For decades their votes have been against the welfare of children. Now, the GOP has once again focused their attention on the reproductive function of the woman's body. Step by step, the GOP seeks to deconstruct a woman's right to an abortion.

A new bill created by Chris Smith states that a woman can only have an abortion if she is forcibly raped. She can not have an abortion if she is raped by her father or other male family member. She can not have an abortion if she is coerced into the act of rape. If the daughter is 13 and becomes pregnant by her 22 year old boyfriend, then she can not have an abortion. This is what this new bill means.

Rape is a lack of consent no matter how old the daughter or woman is. Rape affects the family. Please sign the petition .


  1. I'm not in the US and do not know the meaning of GOP but this is a problem affecting women all over the world. It's like we are in a men's world and I used to think things are better in the west.... so wrong.

  2. Great point! Thank you for pointing that out to me! I shall have to explain GOP in the essay.

    We have two political parties in America. Republicans and Democrats. GOP which means Grand Old Party is a nickname for the Republican party. Even though the nickname is used all the time in the media, I never knew what it meant until I looked it up to explain to you what it meant. LoL!

    Women in America, I believe are freer at pursuing their goals, wearing what they want, going anywhere they want, working at any job, and doing and saying what they please, going to school without the permission of a man. Women here have more opportunity in America.

    Women do need to use commonsense like not walking on streets or down allies during the wee hours of the morning. But, women have been raped anywhere and in broad daylight, so we just need to be aware of our environment at all times, as there are still men who use rape as a weapon against women. Not all men in America are rapists. We as a nation haven't been able to solve this millenial age-old problem, yet.

    Women can also get abortions, if we choose to do so. There are, however, restrictions imposed by the government as to when abortions can occur.

    Generally speaking, the Republicans (GOP) have a conservative attitude towards women and our sexual and reproductive health.

    Also, the GOP loves to win political issues/elections at all costs. This helps them further their agenda to help the wealthy whom they represent. Their base is predominately Christian who are primarily against abortion.

    In the past to win elections, all the GOP had to do was bring up abortion and attack women and minorities and they would win. Minorities, i.e. African Americans were criminals and were used to scare their base.

    We are in a man's world and things are better in America for women. Women of past history have fought very hard to gain the freedoms that women in current history enjoy, like being able to vote.
