Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Response to the "Technology and the Lost Art of Research"

In response to an article I read: Technology and the Lost Art of Research by Benjamin Daniel

When I attended Bellevue University for my Master’s of Public Administration, the instructors stressed plagiarism so much, that I was terrified of making even the tiniest plagiarism mistake. Digging myself out of a discredited hole for the next 10 years was not an activity I wanted to do just so I could get a good grade on a paper.

Striking the fear of terror of plagiarism and its’ consequences needs to be done by the teachers and the universities. If more and more students are being caught at plagiarism, then the teachers and the universities have failed to stress the consequences of plagiarism.

However, all the blame can’t be put upon the teachers. Students aren’t babies, and by this time in their lives, they ought to know right from illegal.

I don’t agree with you about the researchless research point of view. Yes, I slogged through the internet’s mountains of information. Knowing when to stop gathering information is critical to learn and this comes with internet research experience as well as the guidance from the teacher.

I learned how to critically think, as I didn’t have the ability to do so when I entered the program. My instructor, one of the best teachers I have ever had, pointed this out to me, and with her help and my mother’s help, I learned. I also learned how to do footnotes of citations for books as well as the for the internet. Who taught me all that I know from graduate school? My teachers.

Therefore, if plagiarism has gotten out of hand at the universities, then the fault lies first with the teachers and second with the students.

The internet is only a tool just like the Dewey Decimal System


  1. Nice post. As a teacher, I feel that technology is hurting our students when it comes to research. Technology, when used correctly is a great asset. When used poorly, it becomes a crutch.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am following you. Keep up the great writing!

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  3. Thank you, Steve, for visiting, commenting and following.
