Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Poltergeist

I have a poltergeist who follows me from office to office. Aren't poltergeists some portion of yourself, like a split personality vying for your attention? Well, that is what my poltergeist is. She comes from a vortex from another dimension. Which dimension, I do not know, maybe she is from a mental dimension. She tries to be controlling, the little bugger. Go here, go there, no, don't go there, go eat. Oh for God's sake, go eat, I'm hungry. Go outside. No, don't go outside. And, on and on she goes.

My poltergeist can grab my attention by tripping the door lock. I cock an ear in the direction of the door. Sometimes, I turn my head. Once in awhile, I will get up and check the window or the door to make sure she has not shape shifted into a large man bent on creepy things.

So tonight, in order to stop her vie for attention, I told her I would record her, since I do have this at my disposal. I have not heard the lock trip in a couple of hours.

I wonder if she will break my tape recorder when I have left. No, she will follow me to the next office, since she is me and I am she.